Example of Room Renovation
Some “before”, then “during” and “after” photographs of the hotel bedroom renovation work that has been completed.
Each room is virtually taken back to the brickwork.
The fabric of the structure checked for integrity, such as internal roof and nail sickness etc.
“before”, then “during” and “after”
These are by no means a definitive record of the major renovation and transformation following the full planning application process. But these photographs hopefully do provide a brief flavour that each bedroom – and in fact the whole hotel – has had a major renovation completed and what you are buying…
is, in effect a virtually brand new hotel room for you to own.
Here is bedroom number 4 following major (redundant and damp) chimney removal works…
The high specification insulation built to replace the old, tired and damp original. The whole building is rewired, replumbed.
Where possible (Grade A listed hotels we own excepted) the hotel has new double glazing installed up to building code.
Double Glazing: “before” and “after”…
A brand new central heating system is installed throughout.
The building and hotel is then much more viable as it is economical to heat and uses much less energy/fuel to keep warm.
There is also a state of the art fire safety system installed.
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