Sannox Hotel – Building Warrant

Sannox Hotel

Due Diligence Latest Update

Building Warrant Audit Trail

Here are the approved Building Warrant bona fides and documents relating to the Sannox Hotel renovation. Specifically the final 10% (approx) of work, including “snagging” to progress the Building Warrant element to the crucial COMPLETION CERTIFICATE for this major renovation project and reach the much anticipated RE-OPENING PHASE for Sannox Hotel and the new Sannox Village Shop etc…

^^ Sannox Hotel, Island of Arran ^^

Second Visible Building in From The Right



Final 10% of snagging and works

to reach the Completion Certificate…

Sannox Hotel: Location Drawings


Sannox Hotel: Ground Floor

Existing Layout


Sannox Hotel: First Floor

Existing Layout


Sannox Hotel: South & East Elevations

Existing Elevations


Sannox Hotel: North & West Elevations

Existing Elevations


Sannox Hotel: Ground Floor

Plan Drawing: As Proposed

Red Ink Snagging: Final 10% of Renovation.

Add Double kin Fire Retardant Fire Boards.


Sannox Hotel: First Floor

Plan Drawing: As Proposed

Red Ink Snagging: Final 10% of Renovation.

Add Double kin Fire Retardant Fire Boards.


Sannox Hotel: Architect

Key To Plan Symbols


Sannox Hotel: South & East Elevations

Proposed Elevations


Sannox Hotel: North & West Elevations

Proposed Elevations


Sannox Hotel: Dilapidated Conservatory

Now NEWBUILD Owner’s Accommodation

Proposed Elevation


Sannox Hotel:

Dilapidated Conservatory Demolition.

Newbuild Owner’s Accommodation

Architect Specifications


Sannox Hotel: 

Roof Loading Calculations & Engineer BSA.

Newbuild Owner’s Accommodation

Proposed Layout


Sannox Hotel: 

Disability Accessible WC Facilities



Building Warrant


& Contemporaneous Notes

^^ Sannox Hotel, Island of Arran ^^

Second Visible Building in From The Right

Any questions, please call or text…

Scotslion Ltd., on: 0757 2768 795.


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